
Calculations begin after selection of an airfoil. Airfoil coordinate data may be obtained in one of six ways:

  1. From existing data files
  2. Imported in the Drawing Interchange Format
  3. Imported as raw x, y, and z data
  4. Generated by the NACA airfoil equations
  5. Generated from a variation of the Joukowski transformation
  6. Created by an inverse model

The airfoil coordinate data may be manipulated by a control surface, modification of the airfoil's mean line, addition, or deletion of data points, and smoothing.


After calculation have been completed, the airfoil coordinates, results, or graphical images may be saved.

Calculation Options

The default calculations are inviscid, In the viscous case, boundary layer calculations are performed and adjustments made to the lift and Pitch Coefficient values based on the viscous effects.

Reynolds Number
Constant Lift
Wing Simulation
Surface Conditions

Multiple Airfoils
Show Airfoil Coordinates
Graphic Options
Rename Airfoil
Angle of Attack Range


After calculations are complete:

Surface Velocity
Pressure Coefficient vs Surface
Boundary Layer Thickness

Alpha Plot
Drag Polar
Surface Velocity vs Chord

Tabulated data

Display Heading

The Heading on all of the graphical displays will be identical. Some of the information is based on the calculation options and will only appear if the option is selected.

Line Number:

  1. The Airfoil Name
  2. Reynolds Number and Mach Number. The Mach number is shown only if the Compressibility option is selected.
  3. Reynolds Number range is shown only if either the Constant Lift or Wing Simulation option is selected.
  4. Surface roughness factor is shown only if a non-smooth surface roughness is selected in the Surface Conditions option.
  5. The location of a forced transition from laminar to turbulent flow is shown only if selected in the Surface Conditions option.
  6. The Angle of Attack of the display in degrees.
  7. Lift, Drag, and Pitch Coefficient at the indicated Angle of Attack.
  8. The Angle of Zero Lift in degrees.
  9. Location of the Aerodynamic Center and the Pitch Moment about the Aerodynamic Center.